200+ Fun Activities to Do at Home with Kids

Keeping kids entertained and engaged at home doesn’t have to be a challenge. Whether you’re looking for creative, educational, or just plain fun ideas, these 250 activities are sure to keep your children entertained while promoting learning and family bonding.

Creative Arts & Crafts Activities

  1. Finger painting on large paper rolls.
  2. Make homemade playdough with food coloring.
  3. Create DIY jewelry with pasta, beads, or buttons.
  4. Design and decorate paper masks.
  5. Create a family scrapbook with old photos and magazine clippings.
  6. Build a cardboard city with boxes and other recyclables.
  7. Paint rocks and turn them into garden decorations.
  8. Craft puppets using socks or paper bags.
  9. Make a collage using nature items like leaves, twigs, and flowers.
  10. Create a mosaic using torn-up paper or tissue paper.
  11. Paint with watercolors on coffee filters.
  12. Make your own greeting cards.
  13. Sculpt animals or objects using air-dry clay.
  14. Create a family mural using markers, paint, and stickers.
  15. Decorate t-shirts with fabric markers or paints.
  16. Build a birdhouse or feeder using recyclable materials.
  17. Craft wind chimes with beads, sticks, and string.
  18. Create homemade stamps using sponges or potatoes.
  19. Design your own board game from scratch.
  20. Make tie-dye shirts using food coloring or natural dyes.

Educational & STEM Activities

  1. Build a volcano and watch it erupt with baking soda and vinegar.
  2. Create a DIY lava lamp using oil, water, and food coloring.
  3. Set up a scavenger hunt with math problems at each station.
  4. Make a solar oven out of a cardboard box and cook s’mores.
  5. Construct a bridge using toothpicks and marshmallows.
  6. Play with coding apps designed for young kids.
  7. Set up a water displacement experiment with cups and objects.
  8. Grow a bean sprout in a clear cup to see the roots develop.
  9. Practice measuring ingredients by baking cookies.
  10. Create a simple circuit using a battery, wires, and a light bulb.
  11. Make slime with glue, borax, and water.
  12. Create a DIY pulley system with ropes and baskets.
  13. Explore chemistry by mixing various kitchen ingredients like oil and water.
  14. Make shadow puppets and explore light and angles.
  15. Build a DIY catapult using popsicle sticks and rubber bands.
  16. Use household items to build a basic Rube Goldberg machine.
  17. Explore the density of different liquids by layering them in a jar.
  18. Do a rainbow color mixing experiment using food dye and water.
  19. Count how many drops of water can fit on a penny (surface tension experiment).
  20. Create a weather station to track the weather patterns daily.

Indoor Physical Activities

  1. Set up a mini obstacle course with furniture and pillows.
  2. Create a yoga routine using kid-friendly poses.
  3. Have a dance party with your child’s favorite music.
  4. Play balloon volleyball using a string across the room.
  5. Have a sock-skating race on a smooth floor.
  6. Set up an indoor bowling game with plastic bottles.
  7. Play “Simon Says” with active movements like hopping or crawling.
  8. Jump on a mattress or pillows in a safe indoor trampoline zone.
  9. Create an indoor hopscotch using masking tape.
  10. Do animal walks (bear crawls, crab walks, bunny hops).
  11. Play hide and seek around the house.
  12. Organize a dance-off where each family member shows off a move.
  13. Play freeze dance, pausing the music randomly.
  14. Make a fort using blankets and cushions for an indoor camping experience.
  15. Have an indoor scavenger hunt with hidden objects.
  16. Roll a ball through a homemade maze created with boxes and furniture.
  17. Create a ninja warrior course with masking tape on the floor.
  18. Play charades where kids act out their favorite animals or characters.
  19. Do jumping jacks or push-ups together as a family fitness activity.
  20. Play “Follow the Leader” and add silly, active movements.

Sensory Play Activities

  1. Fill a bin with rice and hide small toys inside for a digging game.
  2. Make oobleck using cornstarch and water for a gooey experience.
  3. Create a sensory bottle filled with glitter, water, and small objects.
  4. Play with kinetic sand or make your own using flour and baby oil.
  5. Fill a bucket with soapy water and let kids wash toys or plastic dishes.
  6. Use shaving cream on a plastic surface for sensory writing practice.
  7. Set up a water bead station and let kids squish them.
  8. Make rainbow spaghetti using food coloring and cooked noodles.
  9. Set up a sensory bin with dried beans, lentils, and measuring cups.
  10. Create a slime station with different colors and textures of slime.
  11. Freeze small toys in an ice block and let kids “excavate” them with tools.
  12. Fill a large container with sand and bury treasures for kids to dig up.
  13. Set up a mud kitchen outside for messy, creative play.
  14. Use sponges and water for a wet-sponge relay.
  15. Make scented playdough using essential oils.
  16. Create a touch-and-feel box with various textures (cotton balls, sandpaper, etc.).
  17. Make a sensory path on the floor using different textures (bubble wrap, rugs, towels).
  18. Set up a foam or bubble pit in a small kiddie pool.
  19. Create a sensory snow bin with fake snow or crushed ice.
  20. Make and play with “moon sand” (8 parts flour to 1 part baby oil).

Imaginative Play & Pretend Games

  1. Set up a grocery store with fake food and play money.
  2. Have a tea party with stuffed animals and dolls.
  3. Create a veterinarian clinic for stuffed animals.
  4. Build a pirate ship from pillows and “sail the high seas.”
  5. Set up a pretend post office with letters and packages.
  6. Play restaurant where your child takes orders and “cooks” meals.
  7. Set up a doctor’s office and give check-ups to dolls or family members.
  8. Create a space mission with cardboard rockets and planets.
  9. Play dress-up with old costumes or clothes.
  10. Have a puppet show with homemade puppets.
  11. Set up a pretend classroom where your child can be the teacher.
  12. Create a detective game where kids search for clues around the house.
  13. Set up a camping experience indoors with tents and flashlights.
  14. Build a train track and pretend to be conductors.
  15. Pretend to run a bakery, making “cakes” out of playdough.
  16. Play superheroes, creating your own superhero costumes and powers.
  17. Set up a pretend construction site using toy trucks and blocks.
  18. Have a pretend travel adventure, “visiting” different countries in your house.
  19. Play house or family, where kids pretend to be parents or siblings.
  20. Set up a farm with toy animals and barns, acting out life on a farm.

Outdoor Backyard Fun

  1. Build a nature fort using sticks, leaves, and branches.
  2. Organize a backyard scavenger hunt for nature items (rocks, leaves, flowers).
  3. Play hopscotch on the driveway with sidewalk chalk.
  4. Set up a slip-and-slide with plastic sheeting and a hose.
  5. Play tag or hide and seek around the yard.
  6. Create a mud pie kitchen in a corner of the yard.
  7. Plant a garden with easy vegetables like carrots or tomatoes.
  8. Set up a water balloon toss game.
  9. Paint rocks with watercolors or acrylic paint.
  10. Make a fairy garden using small plants and fairy figurines.
  11. Fly a kite on a windy day.
  12. Ride bikes or scooters around the neighborhood.
  13. Play catch with a ball or frisbee.
  14. Set up a mini obstacle course with outdoor furniture and jump ropes.
  15. Make a DIY bird feeder and watch for birds.
  16. Have a backyard picnic with homemade snacks.
  17. Create an outdoor chalk mural on the sidewalk or driveway.
  18. Do backyard bowling with plastic bottles as pins.
  19. Build a bug hotel with sticks, leaves, and stones.
  20. Set up a tent and camp in the backyard for the night.

Quiet Time Activities

  1. Read books together in a cozy nook.
  2. Set up a coloring station with books and crayons.
  3. Create a puzzle station with age-appropriate puzzles.
  4. Play with a quiet sensory bin using rice or sand.
  5. Listen to audiobooks or a podcast for kids.
  6. Do a jigsaw puzzle together as a family.
  7. Draw with chalk on a chalkboard or easel.
  8. Build with LEGO or DUPLO blocks quietly.
  9. Practice mindfulness with deep breathing and guided meditations for kids.
  10. Write stories or make up your own comic books.
  11. Set up a sticker station with a sticker book.
  12. Create a vision board with magazine clippings and glue.
  13. Try origami with easy paper folding tutorials.
  14. Do a guided drawing tutorial from a YouTube video.
  15. Paint using watercolors for a relaxing art session.
  16. Create a book of drawings about your child’s favorite animals or toys.
  17. Do some quiet yoga stretches together.
  18. Use water pens and magic markers for no-mess coloring.
  19. Write letters to family members or friends.
  20. Build a house of cards or try stacking cups.


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